Welcome to Reception!
Croeso i Derbyn!
Welcome to our Reception page!
We have all settled well in to Reception and enjoyed working hard and learning lots of new things. This term our topic is 'What happens when I fall asleep.' Already we have found out about nocturnal and diurnal animals, we enjoyed reading the story 'Owl Babies' by Martin Waddell and can even retell the story using a story map. Please follow us on Class Dojo, where work will be shared either in your child's portfolio or on the class page. You can also find videos on the class page that you can use with your child on number formation, letter formation and phonics.
Autumn information.
PE days
Tuesdays - Coach Mark.
Please ensure your child wears a white t-shirt, black leggings or tracksuit bottoms and trainers to school. Earrings and jewellery need to be removed.
Outdoor Learning
Forest Fridays
Every Friday, (weather permitting) we will be experiencing the outdoors and exploring the wonderful school garden. We will have lots of fun while at the same time encouraging your child to develop positive relationships with their environment, others and themselves. Your child will be encouraged to discover the real world with all their senses and given the freedom and space to move and investigate their surroundings.
* Your child will need a pair of wellies that can be kept in school please.
Below are some videos your child may be familiar with as use them in class